About Us-

We have been dealing with various kinds of honey, unani medicines and super foods for a long time. Our experience selling honey, unani medicines and super foods in markets, retailers, and consumers has been fantastic. Every team member is qualified and experienced in their fields, and they greatly assist us in augmenting and balancing as we function or work through the entire process of product development, e-commerce, designing, and selling, among other things.

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Switch to Health & Wellness with Shifaya Health Products: Raw Honey, Unani Medicines & Super Foods-

Every person buys honey from the market and has it in their homes, but what about the originality? I will also tell you some secret ways to test the honey to know about its originality. But the honey products that I am going to tell you about in this guide come in a wide range of varieties and you will be amazed that there are so many different types of honey that are available not on the market but on one of the best platforms, which is none other than ‘Shifaya Health’. Yes, Shifaya is only one such site where you will get various natural herbs, raw honey, and various types of such products at an amazing rate.

100% Natural Raw Wild Honey-

So, first we will start with our product, which is raw honey. We get our best raw honey from the Himalayas, but we also work in central and southern India.Our Raw Wild Honey is mostly collected by the people working for us, i.e., the tribe, and this honey comes from the deep forest parts of India, where the honey is specially made by wild bees, which are different from other bees, and the nectar that is gathered by these wild bees is of flowers that are used as medicines. So, this is a very unique kind of honey. This Raw Wild Honey is purely natural and unprocessed.

Mono-Floral Honey-

Our next best type of honey that we produce and sell is Mono-floral Honey. One of the best parts that you will know about this honey is that it is created by different types of bees, and the nectar that is collected by these small bees comes from only one type of flower. So, you will get a typical taste of that flower. It has a very sui generis taste. Here you will get different types of honey, like that of wild acacia, and other combinations of wild acacia and other mono-floral honey. Try this and you will love every spoonful of the taste of the honey. Other categories of honey are also there. To find out more, visit our website, Shifaya Health. There is also eucalyptus honey that you will get, which is also a medicinal type of honey.

How To Know If Honey is Original-

If you want to know some of the best ways to test our Honey whether it is original or not, then do this – take a small flat bowl, pour 1 teaspoon of honey in it. Then put 2 teaspoons of water that covers the honey from the top, then slowly move the bowl to and fro, and if you see a honeycomb formation, (which of course you will see in our products), then it is pure and natural honey, directly from the honeycomb.

Mustered Honey -

Also, we sell Raw Mustered Honey, which is also known as Cream Honey. This honey is specially made by yellow flowers of mustard. It has many different kinds of health benefits. You should also buy the Eucalyptus Honey, which is another kind of medicinal honey that protects from cold and flu. Honey is one such product that also helps to lose weight and if taken in the morning it is very beneficial. We have wide range of raw honey products that you can check online in our website Shifaya Health.Our honey and other products are 100% Pure and Natural, brought out directly. Plus, the cost at which we sell is something very affordable, keeping in view the layman.

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